OK lets get Started ,, I would take the time to read the intruction i know i don,t need no stinkin booklet to show
me .. but Read it anyway ,,,
1 . get down under your Car look up at the Frame of the jeep You will Notice Four Bolt hole already there , ((( with
a skid plate over gas tank there will be Bolts in the 2 Back Holes )) Its pretty easy to Notice once your Lookin up at the
frame . Ok now you know where the brackets have to go ,,
2. get your Instructions look up the lay out for your year and model .. once you have this page lay the book down in
back of the jeep ,, you will Notice that the Diagram is almost exact as your going to Install ,,,
3. The Brackets have a curved End and a Pointed end .. Make sure the Point side Faces to the back of the car , Look at
the Diagram they will match . ok lay them on the ground just the way they are surpose to go up , this way all you have to
do is reach for them ,, they will be pointing the right way ,,
4. Take One bracket and do a dry Fit ,, Notice how the Holes in the Bracket Fits to the holes in the frame ..
5 . There are many Bolts in the Package . Find Four Bolts that fit into the Car frame Bolt holes .. They are silver in
color ,, have the Numbers 808 on them ,
6. Ok now you have the four Bolts ,, Now we need to Find the right Spacers Washer ,, there is 2 Thick Square Washers
2 Meduim Thick and 2 wedged Spaces .
The THick square Spaces go in the to holes on each side Closest to the back Bumper .
The Med and wedged go in the back closest to the gas tank ..
7. Once you have them , now it time to Mount the brackets . (( just a reminder if you place the bolts without the square
spacers the bolts will only titen so far ,, ))
LIne up your bracket holes to the frame holes .. Take the Thickness square space and place your 808 marked bolt
into it ... and place the bolts into the closest hole to the back bumper .. just get the bolt in to hold up the bracket ..
(((( the square spacer washer goes on top of the Bracket not under it ))so it will be like this bracket ,Spacer Washer , Bolt
In the Front most Holes ((( by the gas tank )) goes the medium Spacer Washer with the wedge spacer washer .. place
the bolt threw the 2 spacer washers .. Line up your bracket , insert you bolts with the meduim square washer and the wedge
spacer ... Turn the bolts till it holds up the bracket ..