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Beginners: Getting Started 4 Wheeling

Thinking about making your first off-road riding adventure? Regardless of whether you're heading to your favorite fishing spot that's off the beaten path, or taking the family out for an afternoon off-road picnic, or going sightseeing for a day to a nearby waterfall -- you'll want to be fully prepared for your off-road riding adventure. The type of off-road experience you pursue depends on the size (or toughness) of your 4x4. Many of today's 4x4s are not designed for true off-road activities. For serious off-road adventures, you'll want a 4x4 with a chassis frame that's built to withstand the punishment of off-road obstacles.

Taking your vehicle off-road can be one of the most enjoyable things you can do on four wheels. But before you venture off the beaten path, here are some important ways to prepare yourself (and your vehicle!) for a fun, safe experience that you'll look forward to repeating.

Tips For Your First 4-Wheeling Trip Off Road

In preparation for your first off-road adventure, here are some things to do before you ever leave home:

1. Make sure you know your vehicle well. It's important to recognize your limits and those of your vehicle and not to exceed them.

  • Know how your 4x4 system works and how to use the controls.
  • Know where the spare tire and jack are located and how to use them.
  • Know your vehicle's dimensions - height, width, length, approach angle, departure angle and ramp angle - so that you can pass through tight areas without damage.
  • Know where the lowest point of clearance is - usually the differential casing.
  • Get used to driving your 4x4. Get a feel for its size and driving characteristics.
  • Practice using the low ratio gearbox.
  • If your vehicle is equipped with manual locking hubs, try them out.

  • Know where your engine's air intake and engine computer are located so you'll know the maximum depth of water that you could cross.
  • Keep track of maintenance on filters, belts and hoses and keep all fluids topped up.
  • 2. Be prepared. You never know when you'll find yourself stuck or broken down, without help around, so be sure to pack all of the appropriate "emergency" supplies. And be aware of changing weather conditions before you go.

    3. Travel with at least one passenger, and at least one other vehicle whenever possible.

    4. Let someone know where you are going, and set a time to contact them to let them know you are okay. Don't forget to take along their phone number, the local sheriff's phone number, in case of an emergency. And don't follow-through by calling at the pre-arranged time, so they don't send out the search teams for you!

    5. Make sure your vehicle is in good condition and ready for the off-road experience. Before leaving civilization, do a complete check of your vehicle before leaving. Make sure your tires (including the spare) are in good condition and inflated properly. Look under your vehicle for any leaks or mechanical problems. Make sure all of your fluids are topped off. Check the condition of your steering and brakes. All repairs should be carried out before leaving home.

    6. Pay attention to how you load your vehicle. Loads should be distributed evenly within the vehicle if possible. Loads behind the rear axle will sag the rear of the vehicle, limiting your departure angle and clearance. If you have a roof rack fitted, be aware of weights and how they are distributed. Excessive loads will change the center-of-gravity, thus making the vehicle less stable. Also, remember the additional height of your vehicle due to the rack.

    7. Always know where you are, where you're going, and which route you intend to take. Be time-conscious... What may look like a short trip on the map may take many hours in 4-wheel drive -- so allow enough time for safe travel.

    When riding off-road, you should be familiar with how to maneuver your vehicle on all types of terrain, and under a variety of conditions. Here are a few tips to get you out of some tough predicaments.

    For all types of terrain
    Off-road driving is a game of finesse. Your goal should be to have minimal impact on the terrain, while managing to get through it.

    Riding through tight spots
    Keep the driver's side of the vehicle close to obstacles so you can judge distances more accurately. (Just don't forget about the rest of the vehicle!)

    Riding through deep ruts
    Heavily used tracks often become deeply rutted, to the point where it is impossible to drive without getting the undercarriage hung up. To prevent this, drive with one wheel in the rut and the other wheel on the middle hump.

    Be sure to follow these "Rules of the off-road" when you're out riding.

    Be aware of the damage you and your vehicle can do to the environment.

    Don't blaze a new trail. Instead, stay on the established path. Otherwise:

    • If you venture off the road into the woods, you may get lost in an area where no one will be able to find you.
    • Your heavy SUV will damage the ground and embankments by leaving ruts that will deepen and erode with each passing rain.
    • You will be damaging the surrounding plant and animal life.
    • You may do damage to your SUV.
    • You will face a serious fine and/or a serious lecture from law officials.
    Don't litter - not even a cigarette butt or a candy wrapper. If you pack it in, pack it out.

    Don't spin your tires and tear up the soil - it breaks the surface crust and leads to erosion when it rains.

    Should you need to pile stones up to get over an obstacle, then be sure to put the stones back where you found them afterwards.

    Leave your ego at home. Every vehicle (and driver, for that matter) has its limitations. Backing off early and accepting that a maneuver is impossible or choosing another approach may prevent vehicle damage and, more important, personal injury. Never try a maneuver that you are uncomfortable with.

    Don't disturb the wildlife; this includes plants and animals. We're treading on their turf.

    Slow down. Enjoy the scenery. Live the experience to the fullest. You don't want to spend time repairing damage you wouldn't have caused had you driven a little slower.

    Just as on the street, you should stay right to avoid oncoming traffic, if you can. If common sense tells you it's safer to move left instead of right, then do so. If there is only room for one vehicle to pass, the rule is the more maneuverable vehicle, or the more experienced driver, should yield the right-of-way.

    When two vehicles meet on a grade and there isn't a safe place to pull over, the vehicle traveling uphill has the right of way. It is safer for the vehicle traveling downhill to back up, and it will be much easier for the downhill vehicle to get under way.

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